From Tech PR to real communication

What really matters?

The truth is, technology is made for PR

But not many PRs are made for technology.

At Augur, we get it because we have worked inside global tech startups and written about it for places like the Guardian, Quartz and TechCrunch.

Technology is about what’s new and what’s next — about making things better and making better things.

So are all the best stories.

“Our first project with Augur was intended to be a one off around an important piece of news. However, the speed and effectiveness with which they advanced key relationships and delivered against our KPIs convinced us to add ongoing PR to the marketing mix.

We are now working together on a smart, integrated PR strategy that will support the next stage of GoCardless’s growth.”

The stories and themes we develop with Augur establish value far beyond the old media channels. They help us lead as innovators and better understand the priorities of our audience.

Max has an unstoppable energy that you notice the moment you meet him and doesn’t think like the pack.

Here are three things we believe, that you won’t hear elsewhere.

  • The Editor is King

    The world doesn’t need more content — it needs better editors who establish a clear, powerful point of view. They bring priorities, standards. They understand when to say no — and why.

    Calling it ‘content’ is like calling a crafted cup of coffee a beverage. It misses what the substance is all about.

  • Creation beats Creativity

    Creativity should be a given — but creation is all too rare. The best companies establish new assets and practices to serve customers with increasing value. Campaigns, strategic systems, intellectual property, the sky’s the limit.

    That’s Augur’s goal.

  • Designed and engineered

    Too many agencies shuffle around PDFs and made up dashboards, wasting hours manually editing spreadsheets. Augur uses/ builds the right tools for the job – like Asana for project management and reporting, Twitter’s API to ID influencers, Google Analytics, Docs, Drive. Even just pivot tables to get value from data.

    Not because they’re fancier. But because they’re faster. You need our attention on your results, not bureaucracy.

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